Wolf Creek Public Schools Celebrates Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week

Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) and the Alberta Teachers’ Association Local #3 have been asking its school communities to join in this week and celebrate Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week from March 11-15, 2024.
It's a time to reflect on the vital role these educators play within our school division. Substitute teachers are integral to the educational journey of our students, providing continuity and care with unwavering dedication.
Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week is not just a tradition but a heartfelt acknowledgment of the hard work, passion, and commitment these educators bring to our classrooms every day.
"We are genuinely grateful to have such a wonderful and dedicated group of substitute teachers in Wolf Creek who truly love our schools and our students," said Sonja Dykslag, Assistant Superintendent of People Services. "They make a big difference in the lives of students, and for that, we are thankful for them."
Throughout Alberta, substitute teachers shoulder the same daily responsibilities as their full-time counterparts, from instruction and care for students to a dedication to education that knows no bounds. Their flexibility and willingness to step into any classroom situation make them unsung heroes in our educational system.
"We know the immense value of substitute teachers. This week provides the opportunity to shine that spotlight on their tremendous and crucial work," said Rod Phillips, Chair of the Substitute Teachers Committee with the ATA Local #3.
"Substitute teachers are challenged with a new class of students, and a new environment almost every day. It's also a wonderful opportunity that these determined and dedicated professionals rise to. We are privileged to have their service and are grateful for their work in our schools, for students and school families."
With approximately 200 substitute teachers serving throughout the district, WCPS is proud of the diverse and rich experiences these educators bring to our students. This week, we celebrate not just their professional contributions but also the personal impact they have on the lives of our students.
In recognition of Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week, WCPS and ATA Local #3 invite the community to join us in expressing our gratitude. Whether through a simple thank you, a note of appreciation, or participation in school-hosted events, let's make this week a memorable one for our substitute teachers.
For those interested in joining the ranks of these remarkable educators or learning more about the role of substitute teachers within WCPS, please visit our website at www.wolfcreek.ab.ca.
Happy Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week!