Post secondary education can be paid for through savings, family contributions, jobs, scholarships, bursaries, grants, awards and/or student loans. Government student loans provide more flexibility than bank student loans, and sometimes portions of government loans can be forgiven. If you have to borrow for your education it might be wise to explore that option first. Do your research. Make sure you are aware of all important details, such as when your loan repayment must begin, the duration of the loan, and the rate of interest you are paying.
Alberta Student Aid: Apply for Loans and Grants
What's new 2024-2025:
Students can now access the following applications:
- Part-time Funding
Classes start between Aug 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025 - Aviation Training Form
Students can also use the following resources to help them complete the full-time post-secondary application for financial assistance:
Student Aid Alberta: Everything you need to know about student funding
- Apply here for :
Alberta Student Loans
Alberta Government Scholarships such as the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship.
1-855-606-2096 for Student Aid Alberta program information, help with user names and passwords
- Entrance and exit counseling that informs students about Alberta Student Loan process and student responsibilities
Government of Canada Student Financial Assistance
- Provides information on Student Loans, grants, scholarships, education savings and financial assistance for protected persons.
- Descriptions of financial aid resources for Canadian students. The information provided is for study in both Canada and the US.