Roles & Responsibilities
The Facilties Department is responsible for all school facility infrastructure including classrooms, gymnasiums, playfields and play structures across the division.
Plant operation and maintenance (PO&M) provides for the repair, replacement and renewal of failed infrastructure elements including associated equipment and materials used in day-to-day, routine activities.
School facility operation services include the day-to-day running of the school facilities. These services include but are not limited to: energy management; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); cleaning; inspections; opening and closing schools; boiler operation; responding to daily emergencies; mowing grass; generating work requests to maintenance.
There are three main maintenance functions:
Regular Maintenance: Generally repairing or replacing building components, equipment or operating systems.
Preventive Maintenance: Proactive maintenance aimed at preventing unexpected equipment or building components, equipment or operating component failure; performed on regular intervals throughout the school year, preventive maintenance is planned and not reactive.
Emergency Maintenance: Maintenance staff respond to unexpected equipment breakdowns, building component failures, accidental or deliberate (vandalism) damage.