
The Wolf Creek Career Centre contains a variety of information and links to resources geared toward assisting high school students as they explore future options.  It is a starting point for students to begin researching career possibilities, post secondary schools, financial aid and scholarships.

The focus of the Career Centre is to help students equip themselves for their imminent futures. We hope to guide them in preparing for a life outside of high school through the provision of research tools and a pocketfull of resources. Students in high school are faced with some major decisions - here is where we provide resources which can help students make informed decisions about their futures.

A Quick Note on Post Secondary & Scholarship Deadlines/Applications

  •  We endeavor to keep the information on this website as current as possible. Ultimately, however, the student is responsible for researching the options and staying on top of deadlines.

See the calendar for a list of the following:

  • Post Secondary Open Houses
  • First day of application to Post Secondary programs
  • Post Secondary Application Deadlines 
  • Post Secondary Residence Information 
  • Scholarship Deadlines

Please be aware the it is not possible to create a complete list.  Students need to be aware of dates relative to the institutions they plan to attend and scholarships which are relevant to them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of the dates on this calendar are taken from the Educational Liaison Association of Alberta Dates at a Glance poster.  All deadlines and dates are subject to change and should be verified by the individual institution.  Please visit institution websites for information on admissions requirements and application procedures.  




The Wolf Creek Career Centre contains a variety of information and links to resources geared toward assisting high school students as they explore their post grade 12 options. It is a starting point for students to begin researching career possibilities, post secondary schools and scholarships.


There are many post secondary choices out there for students.  Use this collection of links to inform yourself of some of the options, and to narrow them down to institutions best suited to your needs. You will find links to a  list of Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions here, along with some resources which may assist you if you are considering schools outside of your Province and Country.


Wolf Creek Public Schools strives to keep students informed about a variety of scholarships.  There are literally thousands of scholarships available, and students who spend a lot of time doing research and applying find that it pays!  We want you to be able to attend the school you have always dreamed of and pursue the career that is fitting for you. Wolf Creek hopes that scholarships can be used to help students finance their future decisions.

Financial Aid

Students need the most up to date financial aid information in determining how to pay for post secondary education. You will find links here to a variety of sources of information.  It is critical that you do your research to determine which is the best means for you.