LCHS Scholarships
To qualify for the LCHS Awards Program, students in grade 10 or 11 must have earned at least 35 credits at LCHS. Students in grade 12 must have graduated and completed 20 credits at LCHS.
LCHS awards are intended for LCHS graduates of the current school year. Where there are no applicants from the current year, applications from graduates of previous years may be considered.
Please note: Payment of awards & scholarships is at the discretion of award sponsors. Decisions on ties for top mark are at the discretion of the sponsors and/or the LCHS Award Committee.
A plaque is presented at Graduation Exercises and a $250 cash award in the fall of the year the student is attending a post-secondary institution. The student must attend a post-secondary institution within 16 months of graduation. The student selected as Valedictorian must have ELA 30-1 and four other courses from the following: Social Studies 30-1, Math 30 -1, Math 31, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, and Science 30, Études Sociales 30, French Language Arts 30-1, or Second Language at the 30 level.
These courses will be considered in the ranking if taken during the student’s grade eleven or grade twelve year.
The student must be taking their entire grade 12 year at LCHS and may not be completing any courses through other schools. To qualify, the student must be registered in a minimum of 25 credits in their grade 12 year at LCHS. Grades are calculated based on first semester final grades and second semester mid-term grades.
The student who meets the above criteria and is the highest ranked in the graduating class will be valedictorian. The second student in the ranking will be selected as salutatorian.
A plaque is presented at the Graduation Exercises and a $250 cash award in the fall, to the student with the second highest average as above.
For a graduating student from Ecole Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School who demonstrates the citizenship qualities by which Brady lived.
- Positive role model in terms of leadership, mentoring, and willing participation in school and community activities
- Positive interpersonal relationships in school and in the community
- Genuine consideration for the well-being of others
- Courtesy – treating others with dignity and respect
- Conscientious – cooperative, dependable, and responsible
- Altruistic – helping others without expecting anything in return, volunteering
- Sportsmanship – gracious and encouraging, appreciating the accomplishments of others
The application is available on the Foundation's online portal. Here is a link to the webpage to get you started:
Sponsored by Cando Rail Services. One award of $500 will get given to a high school senior selected by the LCHS Award Committee. The Cando scholarship is to be awarded to the student that best displays the six characteristics as laid out in the Cando Spirit: Leadership, Determination and Work Ethic; Taking informed and calculated Risks in order to succeed; acting with Integrity, honesty and ethically; Mentoring and motivating others, Accepting personal responsibility, and Entrepreneurial Spirit. The student recipient must be attending post-secondary in the fall following graduation. Applications are available in the LCHS Career Centre or HERE and are due on or before May 30, 2025.
CENTRAL ALBERTA CO-OP BURSARY - $300 - highest average; $200 - 2nd highest average
Presented to the student obtaining the highest average mark in all courses ($300) and to the person with the second highest average mark ($200) in their graduating year. English 30-2 and Math 30-2 must be included in the average. No application.
Awarded annually to a graduating student who:
- has attended Clive School
- can provide evidence of financial need
- can provide evidence of community and/or school involvement
- is attending post secondary (broad definition) in the fall after graduation
A student who is in financial need and unable to prove community involvement because he/she needs to work, will qualify for this bursary.
Applications are available HERE and must be returned to the Career Centre by the deadline date of June 10.
Open to grade 12 students who show exemplary characteristics in leadership, are active teen mentors, leaders and show promise for post-secondary education.
Colby Sackett was a Teen Mentor and embodied all these characteristics. We
have named the Big Brothers Big Sisters Scholarship in his honor in memory of the amazing young person who made a difference in our community. Applications available here. Deadline July 7, 2023. 2024 deadline TBA.
To be awarded to one Male and one Female who have Shown heart and improvement in academics, struggled but worked hard to succeed, made an effort and requested/accepted help when needed. By nominations from staff - if you feel that you qualify, please chat with a staff member who knows you well.
One student from Health and Wellness who has shown heart and improvement in sport, struggled but worked hard to succeed, been self-motivated and willing to accept help/guidance. By nominations from H&W. Deadline May 1 annually.
This award is given to a student who has the highest achievement in Construction Technology 30 courses as determined by the teacher (10 credits preferred). Preference will be given to a student who is pursuing further education in the construction field after graduation. No application.
This award is presented to the student who has the highest achievement in Fabrication Studies 30 course as determined by the teacher (10 credits preferred). Preference will be given to a student who is pursing further education in the welding area after graduation. No application.
Don Gustafson taught for 30 years at Lacombe Composite High School. He continually demonstrated a concern for academic excellence while maintaining an outstanding contribution to school activities and to our community. Don's concern for others is well documented. This award is presented annually to the student who best illustrates the qualities of citizenship and community involvement while maintaining a respectable academic average. The recipient is selected by the staff of LCHS based on information provided in an application to be submitted by June 1 of each year. Application available on-line HERE.
One award will be provided to a qualifying LCHS student who is involved in, and pursuing post secondary education in, the performing arts. Application available HERE. Please submit application to Career Centre. Deadline May 15th.
This scholarship, given in memory of a former principal of Blackfalds School, is available to a student who attended Blackfalds School and is enrolled in a faculty of Education and is majoring in Social Studies, Language Arts or Elementary Education. Deadline June 1. Application available HERE. Please submit application to Career Centre.
This scholarship, given in memory of Fred Millar, who was a Fire Chief with Lacombe County, is available to students who are Lacombe County residents. Eligible students must be involved in, and pursuing post-secondary education as a firefighter, or be volunteering or training with a volunteer fire department, or be the Child or Dependent of a Lacombe County Firefighter who is a Lacombe resident. Application available here. Deadline June 1, 2025.
GISH LAW SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGLISH 30-1 (sponsored by Corey L. Gish) - $500
This award is presented to the student with highest mark in English 30 each year. In the event of a tie, consideration will be given to factors such as financial need and passion for English as show in class participation. Discretion in choice is reserved to the sponsor. Winner must attend a post-secondary institution within 16 months of graduation. No application.
A bronze medal is awarded to the top academic student on behalf of the Governor General of Canada. The average includes all grade 11 and grade 12 courses as listed on the student’s official transcript of grades. There is no differentiation between academic and vocational types of courses; all those courses taken which directly result in the obtaining of a secondary school diploma are included in the calculation.
Must have minimum average of 80% in any of the Sciences (Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Science 30). Must provide written recommendation letter from instructor of the course. Must complete a minimum 750 word (maximum 1500 words) essay on the following subject: What inspires you about having a career in the Health Care industry? Completed application form (provided on last page). Please submit the information described above by June 30. ATTN: Director The Health Care Aide Academy 4929 49 Street Red Deer AB T4N 1V1. Applications available here. Deadline June 30, 2025.
In memory of Helen Gordon Newman, this scholarship is to recognize and encourage accomplishment in the pursuit of knowledge as a life long goal. Applicants shall be attending the University of Alberta or equivalent, have a high academic standing in grades 10, 11 & 12 and have extracurricular involvement while attending LCHS. Application available HERE. Deadline June 1. Please submit application to Career Centre.
HENRI FORGUES SCHOLARSHIP - 1 of $10,000 or 2 of $5,000
This Scholarship is awarded in honor of Henri Forgues, the Principal of Lacombe High School from 1954 to 1974, during which time he inspired students to excel and changed their lives by helping them obtain scholarships and other funding needed for them to continue on to university. Principal Forgues also played a key role in the design and construction of the new Lacombe Composite High School. The award is sponsored by LHS Graduates Gordon Esplin (1961) and Earle Forgues (1956).
Student recipients must be graduates of LCHS who are going on to a program in Mathematics, Engineering, Science or Technology (MEST) at the University of Alberta or the University of Calgary. Please note that students entering a field of medicine will not be considered. Preference will be given to engineering programs. Deadline June 5 each year. Applications are available in the Career Centre or HERE.
HUGH C. MCCULLOUGH SAFE DRIVER ENDOWMENT - Interest on Endowment (about $400)
This scholarship is awarded in memory of Hugh C. McCullough who was born in California but was raised in the Blackfalds area. Mr. McCullough became a bus driver for Greyhound, traveling between San Francisco and Monterey, California and achieved a largely unmatched record for safety and customer satisfaction. Following this, he began his own successful transportation company and land development companies.
Students interested in applying for the Hugh C. McCullough Endowment must meet the following criteria:
- Must have attended a Blackfalds Wolf Creek School Division school for all or a portion of their schooling
- Must be a graduating student of Lacombe Composite High School
- Must provide photocopied proof of successful completion of a recognized Driver Training program
- Must hold a valid Class Five Driver’s License
- Must have no current demerits (clean Driver’s Abstract) on a valid Driver’s License
- Complete a Hugh C. McCullough Safe Driver Endowment application form
The successful recipient will be determined by the Lacombe Composite High School Scholarship Committee.
Applications available HERE. Application deadline June 1.
IODE SOCIAL STUDIES 30-1 SCHOLARSHIPS - $1,000 each for the top two marks
Goes to the 2 students who have the highest mark in Social Studies 30-1. In the event of a tie, the student who also has the highest English mark will receive the award. In the event of the tie continuing, Math marks and then overall averages will be used to determine recipients. The recipients must be in their graduating year and presently attending a degree-granting post-secondary institution. Proof of registration must be provided before award receipt. No application.
Jared White was a 2018 graduate of LCHS. He went on from here to Film School at the Kelowna Centre for Arts and Technology, where he was so highly thought of that he was awarded a new “Graduation with Distinction” diploma, based on grades, emotional intelligence, and global citizenship. Jared was considered the total package at his school and was wholeheartedly endorsed for employment and future success. Students must be nominated by an LCHS staff member in the field of the arts or trades on the basis of grades, involvement in trades or arts, leadership within class, general awareness of community and being a person who goes the extra mile to help others. Students wishing to be considered for this award should speak to a teacher about the nomination.
This scholarship will be given annually to one student from LCHS. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of the Lacombe County Mutual Aid Organization. To be eligible, all applicants must:
- be a permanent resident or citizen of Canada & be a resident of Alberta
- be graduating from École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School
- submit an essay of 800-1000 words on Emergency Preparedness
- be registered to commence studies at an recognized Alberta post-secondary institution, broad definition, in a program of at least one (1) year in length
Preference will be given to a student who is:
- pursuing a course of studies which is related to Emergency Services OR
- a member of, affiliated with, or related to a member of Lacombe County Emergency Services
Applications and all supporting documents must be received at the Lacombe County Office on or before 3:30pm on March 31st of each year. Applications are available from the Career Centre or online HERE.
The Chamber of Commerce Scholarship will be given annually to graduating students of Lacombe area schools. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee determined by the Lacombe & District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors annually. Successful applicants will be determined by the following criteria:
- Must be a grade 12 student to a school within the City of Lacombe or Lacombe County
- Must be a resident of Lacombe or Lacombe County
- Must be enrolled in a Post Secondary institute in the upcoming school year (letter of acceptance will be required)
- Must be employed by OR the child of an employee of a Lacombe District Chamber of Commerce Member in good standing
- We would like the individual to plan to return to Lacombe or Lacombe County after the course to serve their community.
Find the 2024 application HERE. Deadline: June 7, 2024.
LACOMBE KINSMEN KIN CANADA BURSARY - $500, student recipient qualifies for $1,000 provincial award
Established as a legacy to the founder of Kin Canada, Harold Rogers. Student applicants will be evaluated on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada and financial need. Must plan to register in post-secondary in the fall following graduation. Applications available at Deadline February 1, 2025.
The student receiving the highest mark or greatest achievement, according to the teacher(s), in the following areas will receive $500:
Art 30
Foods 30
Drama 30
Instrumental Music 30
Fashion Studies 30
Physical Education 30
The following awards will be awarded to a student who has the highest achievement in advanced course (excluding work experience) as determined by the teacher. Each recipient will receive $500. No application.
Design Studies 30
Mechanics 30
One award of $1000 will be made to a student graduating from a high school in Lacombe. The successful candidate will demonstrate leadership and motivational skills in school and community activities, academic achievement adequate to gain admittance to the accredited post- secondary institution of their choice, and a need for financial assistance. Applications will be available January of each year & must be completed & returned by April 29, 2025 to the Lacombe Rotary, or April 27, 2025 to the LCHS Career Centre. Applications are available in the Career Centre or HERE.
Outstanding Achievement Certificates: Students who accomplish outstanding achievement in a subject receive a certificate recognizing their efforts: all course work must be completed in LCHS in the current school year. CTS students are chosen by subject teachers; for other subjects the award is based on highest mark.
Certificates Based on Overall Average: Students achieving the following overall averages in grade 10 or 11, who have earned at least 35 credits at LCHS, will be recipients of a certificate of recognition. Averages are credit weighted and based on all courses taken in the past school year, with the exception of Work Experience and RAP, which are not included in the calculation of student averages.
80 - 89.99% average - Gold Certificate
90 - 100% average - Principal's List Certificate
Students achieving the following overall averages in grade 12, who have earned at least 20 credits at LCHS, will be recipients of a certificate of recognition.
90 - 100% average - Principal's List Certificate
Students on the Principal's list will also have their names added to a plaque, which remains at LCHS
Grades 10-12 at LCHS. To provide an experience for a student who faces or has faced adversity and still manages to push forward. Submission Deadline: April 1st of current school year. (If April 1 is not a school day, applications will be accepted on the first school day following April 1.)
For more details, please see the application at:
The following awards will be presented to graduating students: $200 to the graduating student with the highest mark in English 30-2; $100 to the graduating student with the second highest mark in English 30-2. If 2 or more students tie for highest mark, no second-highest award will be given, and the $300 will be divided between the top place students. No application.
To be eligible students must have a Honors Standing in a Grade 12 Cosmetology, Hairstyling or Esthetics courses. Demonstrate excellent ability and aptitude for the vocation. Demonstrate an excellent attendance record. Display a positive attitude and a strong desire to learn. Be a full-time Grade 12 student who will be completing their High School Diploma in 2025.
If interested please see your Cosmetology teacher to be nominated. Deadline May 31.
MOORE SHILLETO SOCIAL STUDIES ESSAY AWARD - $250 First Prize & 2 honorable mentions $50 each
This award is given annually to a deserving student enrolled in LCHS upon selection by the Moore Shilleto Selection Committee on the basis of a written essay - use an essay you have written for Social Studies 30 class. This award honors the vision of Canada as a just society; acknowledges the sacrifices of our pioneers and recognizes that they survived through cooperation. Our pioneers created a legacy of public services, such as education and health, which continues to benefit all citizens. Essays should be 800-1000 words in length and reflect careful thought and effective research. Proper documentation must be provided. Deadline June 1. Essay topics will be available at the Career Centre or HERE by April 1.
NOVA CHEMICALS – Two awards of $300
These awards are presented to the top female and top male students in Chemistry 30 (Highest Marks). No application.
Awarded to an LCHS student for contributions to LCHS that make the school a better place. Applications available in the Career Centre or HERE. Deadline May 31 each year.
What do you know about renting a residence? Sharing the information you know might win you a scholarship. See the application HERE. For students from Alix, Bentley or Lacombe. Students must provide proof of enrollment in a post secondary program (trade school, college or university) in the fall following graduation. Deadline May 30, 2025.
Awarded to one male &/or female of LCHS, who is the child or grandchild of a past or current member of the Branch who had/has a minimum of 10 years continuous service with the Royal Canadian Legion. Criteria are as follows:
• Student must provide the committee with evidence of their relative’s Legion service & their relationship to the member. If the relative is a current member, they must be in good standing.
• Student is a member of the graduating class who has participated in school &/or community activities & has been a well rounded student who has shown support to others.
• Student must have achieved a satisfactory standing in his &/or her Grade 12 year.
• Student must attend a post secondary or trade institution within 16 months of graduation. A cheque will be issued upon proof of enrollment.
Applications are available in the Career Centre or HERE. Deadline for submission will be May 01, 2025. Please submit applications to the Career Counselor’s office.
This Bursary is only available to an applicant who is in need of financial assistance to further their education. Awarded to two students of LCHS who are the child or grandchild of Canadian ex-service personnel, Merchant Navy personnel who are eligible for & who have been awarded campaign stars or decorations, or ex-service personnel of Commonwealth countries other than Canada, & of Allied countries, resident in Canada, who are in need of assistance. Criteria for selection are as follows:
- Student must provide the committee with evidence of their relationship to personnel listed (i.e. Copy of relatives Service Record or Discharge Certificate, etc.).
- Student is a member of the graduating class who has participated in school &/or community activities; is a well rounded student who has shown support to others.
- Student must have achieved a satisfactory standing in his &/or her Grade 12 year & be in need of financial assistance.
- Student must attend a post secondary or trade institution within 16 months of graduation. A cheque will be issued upon proof of enrollment.
- Student needs to be able to provide evidence of or support for financial need to pay for post secondary. Information provided to support your need for financial assistance to attend school will be shared with the LCHS Scholarship Committee and with the Legion Poppy Trust Fund, who will jointly make the decision about recipients.
Applications are available in the Career Centre or HERE. Deadline for submission will be May 01, 2025. Please submit applications to the Career Counselor’s office.
One scholarship will be awarded annually to a student going into the trades, in the amount of $1000, AND one scholarship will be awarded annually to a student going into a program related to agriculture, in the amount of $1000. The student recipients must be LCHS graduating students who come from Alix, Clive, Haynes, Mirror or Tees areas with a mailing address from one of those areas. Application Deadline May 15. Further details and the application here.
The award will be presented to a LCHS graduating student who has demonstrated an interest in the agricultural industry. Preference will be given to a student pursuing post-secondary education preferably in an agricultural related program. Please obtain and submit application at the Career Centre or HERE. Applications received by LCHS counsellors up to June 15 will be considered.
The Lacombe Branch of the Knights of Columbus will award this scholarship to a student who has demonstrated success in school while overcoming significant adversity. The adversity faced may come from a variety of sources, including illness or injury, learning disabilities, family challenges, economic handicaps or personal problems. Must be continuing education in some way: post-secondary, apprenticeship or other learning institution. Nominations also accepted. Deadline May 1 of the graduating year. Applications available in the Career Centre or HERE.
The Tye Friesen Memorial Scholarship, sponsored by the Lacombe Kinsmen, will be awarded annually to a graduating Grade 12 student, selected by LCHS staff based on the following criteria. Nominations will be accepted from staff members, so if you believe you meet the requirements, we encourage you to discuss this opportunity with a staff member who knows you well. To be eligible, the student must have attended LCHS for a minimum of two years.
The student must consistently meet the following criteria:
● Active Participation: The student must have shown a strong interest in scholastic
activities, such as sports, clubs, student council, etc.
● Academic Achievement: The student must maintain a solid academic standing (Honor
Roll or Principal’s List are not mandatory).
● Leadership and Contribution: The student must have contributed to a school or club
activity, either in a leadership role or by assisting with organization and execution.
The application deadline is May 1 annually.
This is not a scholarship for high academic achievement. It is a character award that aims to recognize the students in our communities who have overcome various adversities, including mental health, physical disability, discrimination, financial hardship, or family issues. Despite these challenges, these students have demonstrated kindness, determination, and courage to graduate high school and continue their education through post-secondary institutions, trade schools, online courses, or the military. The selected nominees will receive a $750 award, upon submitting the required documentation. If a school believes that a special needs student deserves recognition but is unable to pursue any of the post-secondary training options described earlier, they can make a request for the student to be considered for a $750 cash award. This award can be used to purchase equipment, training, or supplies that can improve the quality of the student’s life. Students are nominated by staff -- if you feel that you qualify, talk to the Career Centre before April 15.
Six scholarships are awarded on the basis of contribution to school affairs, personal attributes and community involvement. Students who are eligible for the Rutherford Scholarship in grade 12 are not eligible to apply. To receive the scholarship, the student must enroll at a post-secondary educational institution within 12 months of receiving the scholarship (payable upon receipt of enrollment). Application available from the Career Centre or here. Deadline June 15. Please submit application to Career Centre.
Awarded to a student who takes a significant amount of his/her program in CTS, RAP or Green Certificate. To receive the scholarship, the student must enroll at a post-secondary educational institution within 12 months of receiving the scholarship (payable upon receipt of enrolment). The student should be enrolled in a program related to their CTS studies. Application available from the Career Centre or here. Deadline June 15. Please submit application to Career Centre.