Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification

Please Note: As a Wolf Creek Public Schools employee, you are not authorized to Teach in a classroom unless you hold and provide us with a copy of your valid certificate.

Interim Certificate

To apply for an extension or re-issue of your Interim Certificate, please complete the "Interim Re-issuance or Extension" form and return it to Jennifer Hansen at Jennifer.hansen@wolfcreek.ab.ca Once received, the application will be entered into the online service for the Superintendent's recommendation to Alberta Education. You will also be required to submit a payment once the application has been submitted online. Payments and other required documents will be listed on your TWINS Teacher Self-Service.


Permanent Certificate

To apply for permanent certification you must have 400 days of teaching experience and two satisfactory teaching evaluations on your employment file.  Once you have met these requirements, please complete and sign the  "Permanent Certificate Application" form and return it to Jennifer Hansen at Jennifer.hansen@wolfcreek.ab.ca Once received, the application will be entered into the online service for the Superintendent's recommendation to Alberta Education. You will also be required to submit a payment once the application has been submitted online. Payments and other required documents will be listed on your TWINS Teacher Self-Service.