Welcome Back Superintendent Message

Greetings to all parents and caregivers whose children attend school within Wolf Creek Public Schools. It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome students back to school for the start of the 2023-2024 school year! We look very forward to seeing students return to school and continue their education journeys.
I would like to provide an update regarding areas of focus for WCPS as we enter year three of our four year Education Plan. Our plan is informed and driven through a variety of data and feedback sources, including student achievement and graduation data along with feedback from all stakeholders including parents, students, and staff. Throughout 2022-2023 we conducted several in-person feedback sessions, and for the first time we also distributed a stakeholder survey to parents/caregivers for all K-12 students within the Division. This information, along with the provincial data we receive, collectively aids to affirm our areas of strength as well as areas where we may need to focus greater effort and resources. As a school division we strongly believe in continuous improvement.
The priorities within our Education Plan are contained under three priority areas, Supporting All Students, Quality Teaching, and Collective Responsibility. While our Education Plan is readily available for review and includes much more detail, a few key points I would highlight here include:
- Continuing to strengthen our efficacy and capacity with respect to instructional practice, and including both literacy and numeracy. This includes our ongoing effort as we continue to implement the new curriculum.
- Strengthening our focus on supporting all students, including meeting the needs of all students as well as removing barriers to student success. This includes a particular focus on meeting the needs of diverse learners as well as utilizing a continuum of supports.
- Enhanced focus on supporting the achievement of our First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.
- Strengthening our graduation success rates, with the ultimate goal of seeing 100% of students graduating whether that be in 3, 4, or 5 years.
- Continuing to strengthen pathways and opportunities for students as they begin to transition to employment, trade certification, or post-secondary education.
- Strengthening programming supports for students requiring mental health and/or social emotional support.
I invite everyone to review our Education Plan in further detail. I wish everyone a fabulous start to the school year, and I look forward to our ongoing collaboration efforts to ensure staff, parents, and students have a meaningful voice in our efforts as a school division. We are stronger together.
Thank you,
Tim De Ruyck
WCPS Superintendent