Wolf Creek Public Schools Postpones China Student Exchange Trip

Ponoka — Wolf Creek Public Schools has postponed its student exchange trip to China, scheduled for March 2020, due to the current coronavirus outbreak.
Division officials monitored the situation closely over the past week, with information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Canada, and in conversation with Air Canada and Liwan Education Bureau, before finalizing the decision today. The trip was to see grades 8 to 12 students from across nine schools in WCPS visit Guangdong Province in China.
“It is unfortunate that we have had to postpone this tremendous learning opportunity for Wolf Creek students, but the safety of students and staff is paramount. The impact of the coronavirus in China is serious, and we have to make the appropriate steps to ensure student safety,” said Jayson Lovell, superintendent.
Throughout the planning for this trip and through the recent outbreak, WCPS kept parents informed on the status of the trip and that student safety is always a top priority in planning. Additionally, WCPS Board has been apprised throughout, and approved the postponement.
Wolf Creek Public Schools plans to continue this partnership with Liwan Education Bureau with hopes to offer another learning opportunity for student travel to China in the future. This learning opportunity is part of an ongoing district-to-district agreement between Liwan Education Bureau and Wolf Creek Public Schools where students from both school districts have successfully been hosted in each others’ country.
“We have developed an international friendship with colleagues and between Wolf Creek families and families in China. Our thoughts are with them and all those affected by the virus,” said Lovell.