Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan

Dear Wolf Creek Public Schools’ families,
We all know the new school year is fast approaching, and there have been many questions regarding the return to school for students and staff. Shared in this email is the Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan. This is a thorough plan that will directly guide your local Wolf Creek school on school re-entry. Please take the time to read through the plan carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at wolfcreek@wolfcreek.ab.ca.
Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan
Individual school re-entry plans will be directly guided by the district plan, but will speak to local factors and considerations, and will be sent to parents the week of August 24-28.
Additionally, we have shared a survey with parents via email, intended to detail educational options available for your child or children for the upcoming school year. The survey will include information on in-school learning, virtual learning and homeschooling options. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SURVEY and we ask that you complete it by Monday, August 17, 2020. Check for it at the email address you have provided to your local school
PLEASE NOTE: Completing this survey is not a replacement for the school registration form; which will be required prior to September 1st.
Lastly, we know there are questions regarding students and staff returning to school. It is our hope that with the Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan many of your questions will be answered. To further speak to our plan and engage any questions you may have, we will be hosting a Division-wide Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Virtual Town Hall. The Virtual Town Hall will be Monday, August 17, 2020 at 7 p.m. and can be viewed live on our Wolf Creek Public Schools YouTube Channel (the Link to the channel will be provided below.) The idea of the virtual town hall is to give everyone from all our communities a chance to attend.
We will be taking question submissions via email in advance, and during the Town Hall. All questions can be submitted to wolfcreek@wolfcreek.ab.ca. It is our hope and intent to answer as many questions in the Town Hall as possible.
Thank you again for your continued patience, cooperation and understanding. The health and safety of students, staff, your families and all our communities is our top priority. We are excited for the new school year and for students to return and look forward to working with you to make the 2020/21 school year a success.
Jayson Lovell
Wolf Creek Public Schools