Wolf Creek and Clearview Partnership Applauded at ASBA Zone 4 Meeting

It’s a rural partnership that has shown real academic gains for students.
At the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) Zone 4 meeting Jan. 28 in Stettler, Division and Board officials from Wolf Creek Public Schools and Clearview Public Schools shared the successes of joint efforts between the two school divisions, aimed at creating strong, flexible instructional access and curricular outcomes for rural students.
School board Trustees from around Zone 4 heard how Enhanced Learning Models (ELM) create flexible learning environments by integrating multiple technologies, which has led to positive results and an increase in high school completion. Those technologies include digital content delivered in a platform accessible anywhere, anytime for students.
“The ELM doesn’t replace traditional delivery of education for students, but it is crucial to have supports in place that can level the field for students in communities in rural Alberta. These supports have been successful in doing that,” said Sean Lougheed, WCPS Director of Learning Services.
WCPS began ELMs in the 2016-2017 school year in Alix and Bentley, expanding to additional schools in February 2017, before partnering with Clearview Public Schools in June 2018.
A crucial part of the assessment success has been the two Boards covering the cost for students to access Rock the Diploma, an intensive preparatory session for students wanting to perform well on diploma exams.
This past school year, there were more than 540 WCPS students and 62 Clearview students who took advantage of their respective Board’s offering to fund Rock the Diploma preparations.
“Partnerships are important in education, and as a Board it has been amazing to see this initiative impact students so positively,” said Pam Hansen, WCPS Board Chair. “Students attending Rock the Diploma did better in both measurable categories of acceptable and excellence than students who did not take part. It is evidence that this program and partnership is working for students.”
Additionally, the 2018 January and June diploma exams saw seven WCPS students score 100 per cent.
If parents or students are interested in learning more about flexible high school delivery through the ELM or how Rock the Diploma can help them, contact your school principal for more information.