WCPS September School Re-Entry Update #1

2020-2021 Plan for School Re-Entry
Update #1
Dear Wolf Creek Public Schools’ families,
I want to begin by sincerely thanking you for all your patience, understanding and commitment to learning through the COVID-19 pandemic and through what has been an unprecedented and challenging school year.
We truly appreciate your cooperation and engagement in transitioning to at-home learning, following the government's decision to temporarily close schools on March 15. As you know the current school year is wrapping up in the coming weeks, and planning is underway for the next school year, and we recognize there will be many challenges still present.
Although Alberta is currently in Phase 1, the Alberta Government has indicated the reopening of schools will be in Phase 2 of the overall provincial relaunch. Earlier this month the government outlined three possible scenarios for schools, which could exist by September.
Those scenarios are:
- Normal school operations are able to resume
- Schools are partially reopened, with some level of restrictions
- Teacher-directed at-home learning continues
Our priority remains the health and safety of our students and staff, and school families. It is important to note that any return to school will be done under the guidance and direction from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Education.
Although it is still not certain what scenario we will face come September, Wolf Creek Public Schools is working closely with our school administration teams to prepare for the upcoming school year. That planning includes analysing what proper precautions are needed to be taken and procedures developed to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
This letter is the first in what is assuredly a series of updates we will share with you as we approach the end of this school year in June, and before commencing the new school year in September. We want you to know the planning that is underway is comprehensive and we are committed to sharing this information with you, and engaging with you regarding any questions and concerns you may have now and through to the start of the next school year.
On behalf of all Wolf Creek Public Schools staff, I want to again thank you for all your support. We miss students in the classrooms, and are thinking of you and your families always. Please remain safe and healthy.
Jayson Lovell