WCPS opting out of piloting Alberta Education’s draft K-6 curriculum

Ponoka — With considerable thought and review, Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) will not be participating in the pilot program of the draft K-6 curriculum for the 2021/22 school year. Piloting this new curriculum is voluntary for school authorities in Alberta.
The main considerations stem from:
- the timing of the draft K-6 curriculum release
- ensuring learner outcomes are developmentally age appropriate
- ensuring the content reflects research-based 21st century learner outcomes including a balance of critical thinking and knowledge-based learning opportunities
- ensuring adequate representation of foundational knowledge and understanding relating to Indigenous people throughout the grade levels
“For the time being, our focus remains on student and staff well-being during a time where continuity of learning and recovery from the pandemic is paramount,” said Jayson Lovell, WCPS Superintendent. “When appropriate, WCPS staff will be supported and encouraged to participate in various in-district and provincial professional development opportunities to assist our teachers in preparing for the new curriculum in its final form.”
In the coming weeks and months, staff and community will have an opportunity to provide feedback to Alberta Education and we will continue to connect with our stakeholders by offering further updates as they are made available.
Providing Feedback
Alberta Education's draft K-6 Curriculum is currently open for public input. To view the curriculum in its entirety, please visit: www.alberta.ca/curriculum and provide your input at: www.alberta.ca/curriculum-have-your-say