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Update on School Closure – Ponoka Schools Reopening

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is a follow-up to our previous communication regarding the water main break that affected Ponoka Elementary School, The BRICK Learning Centre, and Bright Futures Play Academy in Ponoka and BGC Wolf Creek (Ponoka Youth Centre). We thank the parents, staff and students for their patience and cooperation during the student release process.  We have great news:  

The Town of Ponoka has restored connection to the water for ALL the schools and BGC Wolf Creek, allowing ALL Ponoka Schools to be open tomorrow, March 5, 2025.   

Please plan for your child to attend school as usual.

Please be aware that repairs will continue in the area in front of the Wolf Creek School Division Facilities and Transportation Building located at 4900 54 Street, limiting drop off access.  

The Town of Ponoka confirms that the water has been tested and it is safe for consumption.  

We thank the Town of Ponoka and the Wolf Creek School Division Facilities Department for their hard work and cooperation.  

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school directly. 

(Please note that the ski trip planned for the Grade 6s from Ponoka Elementary School on March 5th, will proceed as planned). 

Wolf Creek Public Schools

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