“Safety and Health: A Commitment for Life” is the key message as local professionals respond to a mock incident at École Lacombe Upper Elementary School

In support of Safety and Health Week, École Lacombe Upper Elementary School and Father Lacombe Catholic School Grade 5 students will observe what happens when things go wrong for a distracted student involved in a parking lot collision.
On Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., RCMP and Emergency Medical Responders from Medcor Canada will respond to a mock emergency.
Over 200 students will go through a powerful learning experience while observing local professionals respond to a critical situation. Following the demonstration, Lacombe City Police will present road safety tips to reinforce our safety campaign.
Community safety professionals will conduct a personal protective equipment (PPE) fashion show to educate students on the purpose and benefits of PPE.
“The goal of the mock incident is to focus students on life safety. We believe educating students on road safety is essential for keeping our children safe. Through educational activities we can create safe workplaces and communities,” said Lisa Vogt, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator with Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.
The mock incident is a main event for students to participate in during Safety and Health Week.
It is a collaborative sponsored event involving the ACSA’s Parkland Regional Safety Committee, Lacombe City Police, Lacombe Fire Department, Medcor Canada, Jo(e) Social Media Inc., Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, Manufactures Health and Safety Association, and Pro Paint Canada.