Ponoka News: Ponoka Secondary Campus is set to host the 3A Girls Provincial Volleyball Championship

Ponoka Secondary Campus is set to host the 3A Girls Provincial Volleyball Championship from Nov. 21 to 23. "There are 12 teams that will be playing here," said Keegan McLeod, PSC's athletic director, adding the local team will kick things off right after the opening ceremonies on Thursday. Matches throughout the championships will be held at both PSC and St. Augustine School, and things will wrap up on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. with the gold medal finalists.
McLeod expects from between 140 to 180 athletes to be in town for the event, along with their families and coaches. He also encourages local fans to come out and cheer the girls on.
And while it's a very exciting event for all the students taking part, it's a particular milestone for the players in Grade 12 as this year marks their last for high school volleyball. And being able to take part in provincials makes it all the more memorable, he said.
Read the original and full story by Mark Weber at the Ponoka News at: https://www.ponokanews.com/local-sports/ponoka-secondary-campus-to-host-3a-girls-provincial-volleyball-championship-7652304