Parent Letter: 2020-2021 Plan for School Re-Entry Update #5

Dear Wolf Creek Public Schools’ families,
I hope you and your family are all well, and having a great summer holiday. I would like to provide you an update on our timelines for the Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan and Individual School Plans.
As you know, the Alberta Government announced this week that non-medical masks will be mandatory for grades 4-12 students and all school staff when school returns to in-person instruction. Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 students will be provided with two reusable, washable, non-medical masks. Please know that non-medical masks will be required in all shared and common spaces, such as school hallways and on school buses. Masks will remain optional for Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 3 students although all students riding a bus to school will require a mask during the bus ride. For more information on the announcement from Alberta Education please visit the Alberta Government website.
With the recent announcement, we are finalizing the draft Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan. WCPS’ Board of Trustees meets Thursday, August 6, 2020, and our school administrators on Monday, August 10, 2020, to review and finalize the plan. We will share the Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan publicly to parents on Wednesday, August 12, 2020.
Individual school re-entry plans will be directly guided by the district plan, but will speak to local factors and considerations, and will be sent to parents the week of August 24-28.
The Wolf Creek Public Schools District Re-Entry Plan is comprehensive and addresses the many procedures to guard against the spread of COVID-19, while providing a learning environment in schools that students and families are accustomed to. It will also contain details regarding virtual learning options for families who may find it necessary to have students learn at home under the direction and support of a parent.
We know there have been a lot of questions, and we truly understand your desire for more information and greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we plan for next year, with the safety and health of students, staff and your families at the forefront of those plans.
I hope you continue to have a great summer.
Jayson Lovell