Parent Feedback Sought for Alberta Education’s School Re-Entry Plan

Wolf Creek Public Schools parents/guardians:
As we begin to enter the final number of weeks for the school year, there are undoubtedly a lot of questions as to what school will look like for students and families this September, for the 2020/21 school year.
Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, and its impact on schools and students, Wolf Creek Public Schools has followed the direction of Alberta Health, Alberta Education and Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.
On May 6, Education Minister Adrianna LaGrange told Albertans that Alberta Education is working on three possible scenarios for school re-entry this fall:
- For schools to be open as much as possible under normal conditions
- For schools to be generally open but with some health restrictions in place, like physical distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- That teacher-directed at-home learning continues
As key partners in education, the Alberta School Councils Association (ASCA) will be providing feedback to Alberta Education in regards to these scenarios, and is looking for crucial and broad parent input.
An ASCA survey regarding Alberta Education’s Re Entry Plan is now online, and Wolf Creek Public Schools encourages all Wolf Creek parents to provide their feedback.
The survey deadline is May 14, 2020.
You can find the survey at: THIS LINK
Thank you for your continued cooperation, and as plans are made throughout the province on the next school year, Wolf Creek Public Schools will continue its open communication with parents.