November 24 New COVID-19 Measures and Restrictions in Schools

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Re: New COVID-19 Measures and Restrictions in Schools
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I would like to begin by letting you know we understand the wide range of emotions that families are feeling as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Alberta. We join you in those feelings. I can assure you that Wolf Creek Public Schools has been and continues to do all we can to ensure the safety of students and staff, and to make sure everyone remains healthy at school.
I want to commend all of our staff for the hard work they have done since school began in September, and everyone for their understanding and cooperation in following school health and safety guidelines.
You may be aware that in response to rising COVID-19 cases, the Government of Alberta announced on November 24, 2020 increased targeted measures and restrictions. Many of these restrictions will impact schools and students.
For schools, including Wolf Creek Public Schools, these changes across Alberta are:
Grades 7-12 Students
- Grade 7-12 students will move to at-home learning from Nov. 30 to Jan. 8, except during the winter break, which in WCPS is Dec. 23 to Jan. 5.
- It is anticipated that all Grade 7-12 students will resume in-person, at-school classes on Jan. 11, 2021.
- Diploma exams are optional for the rest of the school year. Students and their families can choose whether to write an exam or receive an exemption for the January, April, June and August 2021 exams.
Pre-K - Grade 6 Students
- Pre-K - Grade 6 students (including Early Childhood Services) continue in-person learning until the winter break, which in WCPS is Dec. 23 to Jan. 5.
- Pre-K - Grade 6 will move to at-home learning after the winter break (January 6,7,8)
- Pre-K - Grade 6 will resume in-person classes Jan. 11, 2021.
Grades 7-12 teachers will assign lessons and homework daily that will closely align with Alberta Education’s established outcomes and expectations. This will ensure students remain on track with course material for the resumption of in-school learning on January 11, 2021. Schools will provide information to parents and students soon regarding this transition, including how to access lessons and assignments.
For more information regarding this change to at-home learning, please review this important information bulletin:
Preparing for At-Home Learning in Wolf Creek Public Schools
We urge you all to continue following all health and safety guidelines at schools. That means masks at school and on the bus for students in grades 4-12, and continue the daily self-health checklist online on your school website or at
If your child is sick or has any symptoms of COVID-19, or are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case, they must stay home.
Additionally, we ask that if your child tests positive for COVID-19, please inform your school as soon as possible. This is crucial in our ability to contact trace and keep fellow students and staff safe.
If you have any questions about the changes for either Grade 7-12 or K-6 students at your school, please contact your school principal for more information.
Thank you for your continued support, flexibility and understanding. We continue to work together for our collective health and safety.
Jayson Lovell