New High School for Blackfalds Blog Launched!

As you know, Wolf Creek Public Schools was excited by the announcement in November 2019 of a new high school for Blackfalds, and plans are moving forward since that announcement.
There will be a lot of information to share over the next weeks and months, as we move forward in partnership with Alberta Infrastructure, Alberta Education and the Town of Blackfalds, and we want to be able to keep you informed as those details develop.
This is what the New High School for Blackfalds Blog is about.
You can find the blog on each Iron Ridge Campus website:
Iron Ridge Elementary Campus:
Iron Ridge Intermediate Campus:
Iron Ridge Junior Campus:
The latest update is that all parties met on February 18, 2020, where the future school site and school capacity were discussed.
The high school planned for Blackfalds will be a capacity or “core” 855 student school. The term “core” simply refers to the school’s student capacity of the facility, and is not related to courses or programming.
Additionally, we are happy to share with you the approval letter from the Government of Alberta, sent to us in January.
You can view the letter here: GoA Approval Letter
We hope you continue to check the New High School for Blackfalds Blog as this process moves forward. There will be a lot of information over time, and things will grow and evolve as we move toward this new school for Blackfalds. This is an exciting time for both the Town of Blackfalds and Wolf Creek Public Schools.
It is our hope the blog can provide you with timely updates, to provide the best information to parents and the community.
Thank You!