Message to Parents/Guardians Re: Gas Leak at Mecca Glen School

Dear Mecca Glen School parents/guardians:
I wanted to take this opportunity to provide additional information regarding a gas leak at Mecca Glen School on Thursday, April 15, 2021.
The smell of gas was reported to school administration in the mid-morning, and out of an abundance of caution students were moved outside and away from the school. School administration then proceeded to contact you to pick up students and close the school for the remainder of the day.
Students and staff remained safe outside the school, as the leak was reported to be from the east side of the school, with a faint smell in the school basement (but not on the main floor), and students and staff were taken to the far west side of the property.
An ATCO response team was immediately dispatched to respond to the leak.
The safety of students and staff are always our top priority, and we take responding to such incidents seriously to ensure everyone remains safe. That is why we exercised such a degree of caution in responding to this particular incident.
We want to thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding in being asked to pick up your children today.
We anticipate school will resume tomorrow morning (April 16, 2021) at the regular start time. In the event this issue is not resolved, a further communication will be sent to all parents/guardians.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact principal Dan Walker at 403.783.2463.
Dan Walker