Iron Ridge Secondary Campus construction in Blackfalds on schedule

The construction of the Iron Ridge Secondary Campus (IRSC) in Blackfalds is on schedule for a September 2024 opening.
The new school for Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) in Blackfalds broke ground in May 2022 and will be the first high school in the town of Blackfalds. The Government of Alberta has contracted Concert Bird Partners to deliver this school, in addition to four other new Alberta high schools, using a public-private partnership (P3). Constant work on the new Blackfalds school can be seen on the construction site at 500 Leung Rd.
"We have received confirmation that construction is on schedule," said Tim De Ruyck, WCPS Superintendent, adding the school division will take possession of the completed building in May 2024.
"We are excited about the progress being made and can't wait to offer this state-of-the-art learning environment to our students."
As part of the preparations for the opening of the IRSC, WCPS has appointed Ed Coles, the current principal of Eckville Jr./Sr. High School, as the principal of the new school. De Ruyck said Coles' experience and his commitment to community and industry partnerships make him a great fit for the IRSC.
In addition to the regular programming, WCPS has announced that the Blackfalds Historical Society will design and donate an art piece to be displayed in the main open area of the school. De Ruyck explained that the government has approved the inclusion of the artwork, which will add to the beauty of the new facility.
"We are committed to keeping the community informed about the progress of the IRSC," said De Ruyck. "As part of that effort, we will be launching a new website and Facebook page this spring. The site will contain ongoing updates regarding the facility, staff, and programming."
The IRSC will be capable of offering a significant amount of Career Technology Studies programming. However, variables such as the expected population of the school and staff availability will determine the final offerings.
"As planning moves forward, we will have a stronger sense of what elective programming will be available when the school opens," said De Ruyck. "We anticipate this programming will continue to evolve and grow once the school opens."
IRSC will join WCPS’ existing schools in Blackfalds: Iron Ridge Elementary Campus, Iron Ridge Intermediate Campus, and Iron Ridge Junior Campus. The addition of the high school will allow families to begin their education with Wolf Creek in Blackfalds in Pre-K and continue to graduation in the same community.