In-School Learning to Resume Tuesday, May 25

Dear WCPS Parents and Guardians,
Since May 7, 2021, K-12 students across Alberta have been receiving their educational programming online, at-home. This shift was directed from the Government of Alberta to all school authorities in response to the spike in COVID-19 cases across the province.
This letter is to inform you that on May 19, 2021, Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange announced all students, K-12, will return to in-school learning on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 (following the Victoria Day Long Weekend). The exception to this shift is the regional municipality of Wood Buffalo.
The Minister cited a decline in the number of cases which has eased the pressures on school authorities to deal with operational pressures including chronic substitute teacher shortages and a significant number of students and staff in quarantine or isolation.
With this announcement, Wolf Creek staff will immediately prepare to transition once again to welcome students back to in-person learning on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. All aspects of operations will resume including regular bussing routes and school schedules.
Another important point is with this announcement the requirement for all schools is to resume in-school instruction in Scenario 1 of Alberta Education’s “COVID-19 Guidance for School Re-Entry Scenario 1” which reflects schools offering in-school instruction. Please note - Wolf Creek is unable to open up the option of extending online learning or offering hybrid learning (combination of in-person instruction and virtual instruction) after May 21, 2021. Wolf Creek’s Virtual Learning Program has capped enrollment and capacity due to the staffing allocated since September, 2020. In other words, our teachers and school staff are assigned to our schools, in our classrooms, which is where learning will continue.
Wolf Creek’s priority remains an unwavering focus on maintaining the health and safety of students and staff through what has been a very challenging school year for everyone. We are incredibly proud of our staff, students and families for remaining flexible, understanding and focused.
Please remember to access the resources and guidance documents on our Wolf Creek website: including the self-assessment for Albertans tool.
We look forward to the last 5 weeks of this school year to finish with optimism and hope for what will certainly be a much different school year come September, 2021.
Jayson Lovell