Feb. 9 COVID Update

As you may be aware, Premier Jason Kenney announced February 8, 2022 plans to lift a number of COVID-19 health restrictions, including a number that currently are in effect for students in schools.
As of February 14, 2022 student masking will no longer be required for (K-12) students of any age in schools or on a school bus. Masking remains a requirement for the remainder of this week. Please know that any family that still desires for their child to wear a mask in school or on the bus is free to do so, and masks will remain available in schools for those who want them.
Please note, that the provincial mandate will still require masks to be worn by any adult in a school setting or on the school bus, this includes staff, volunteers and visitors (such as parents, or adult family members).
For the time being schools across Alberta, including Wolf Creek Public Schools, will continue to implement remaining health measures and guidelines, such as cohorting, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing, as well as practicing good hand and respiratory hygiene.
Schools and divisions still have the option to shift to at-home learning for a class or an entire school if required operationally due to absenteeism.
To that end, we still require all families and staff to do a self-health check before leaving for school, and require that anyone with any symptoms of illness stay home from school and follow the most up-to-date guidance, including isolation requirements at: Alberta Health daily checklist, or linked on our website at: www.wolfcreek.ab.ca/covid-19/daily-self-screening-for-covid-19
It is important for you to notify your school if your child will be absent from school, regardless of the reason.
We know this has been a long and difficult set of circumstances, which have changed over time, and there are varying opinions on health measures. Our staff and schools continue to work hard to provide a safe learning environment, and one that students are accustomed to. This has not changed, and will continue to be our focus as we move forward.
I want to thank you for your continued respectful support, patience and understanding.
Tim De Ruyck,
Wolf Creek Public Schools