Co-op Community Spaces donates to ÉSLCHS Roofs 4 Kids program

For six years, Co-op has been helping to build places for everyone – including new program funding at École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School (ÉSLCHS).
This year, Co-op is providing $50,000 for Roofs 4 Kids, a project that will fund a baby goat barn with a
living roof top garden to help bring horticultural programs to the school and local college, while providing produce for community programs. An animal therapy program will also be introduced to help students and community members reduce stress and anxiety.
“I can’t wait to have baby goats and a roof top garden next year because of the exciting educational opportunities it will bring to our school and community” said Taylor Perez, a Grade 11 EcoVision leader from École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School.
"The Co-op Community Spaces grant has provided ÉSLCHS students and community members with some innovative educational and environmental opportunities. I am so proud of the EcoVision students, volunteers and partners who worked so hard to make our Roofs for Kids project a reality. Bring on the BABY KIDS," said Steven Schultz, ÉSLCHS teacher.
Co-op Community Spaces has been developed to help protect, beautify and improve spaces across
Western Canada. In 2020, the program is providing $1 million to 17 community projects from Vancouver Island to Manitoba. Since 2015, Co-op has donated $9.5 million to 132 projects.
“We’re excited to help fund the Roofs 4 Kids project through Co-op Community Spaces. Investing in our community is a value of our Co-op, and we’re proud to be part of this program that’s investing in
projects to improve communities across Western Canada,” said Rodney Perigny, Chief Executive
Officer of Central Alberta Co-op.
“We’re happy to partner with community groups on projects like this. Together, we’re helping to build in and improve our communities for today and into the future.”
The giving program is administered by Federated Co-operatives Limited on behalf of more than 160
independent retail co-operatives across Western Canada that form the Co-operative Retailing System.