Busing registration opens April 1, FAQs & answers too

Bus Registration for the 2019-2020 school year opens April 1, 2019 and the deadline is June 15, 2019.
There are many questions that you may have regarding busing in Wolf Creek Public Schools, from registering for busing to your child riding the bus. Visit the WCPS Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
To register your child for busing, complete the Bus Application Form.
If you live in town you will be asked for your complete civic or street address, plus mailing address. If you live in the country you must provide both the full legal land description and the full blue sign (911) address, including the Township or Range Road.
Please ensure you provide full and accurate information to avoid any delay in processing.
Wolf Creek Public Schools
Transportation Services
A, 4900 - 54 Street
Ponoka AB T4J 1N8
403-783-3473 or 403-783-5441
Transportation Manager - ext. 1336
Transportation Assistant Manager - ext. 1327
Transportation Reception - ext. 1335
Direct Line - 403-785-0726
Email - transportation@wolfcreek.ab.ca
Website - https://www.wolfcreek.ab.ca/services/transportation