Busing eligibility changes

Dear parents/guardians:
As you know, the provincial government announced changes to student transportation eligibility which will come into effect September 2024. Currently, all students who live 2.4 km or greater from their designated school are eligible for busing without a rider fee.
Under the new eligibility, again effective September 2024, school divisions will be funded to bus students based on the following:
- Grades K-6: if the riders home to school distance is 1.0 km or greater.
- Grades 7-12: if the riders home to school distance is 2.0 km or greater.
This means if your child falls within the above criteria, you will not be levied a fee for busing.
In advance of these eligibility changes, school divisions will receive additional funding for the 2023/24 school year this September, to begin implementation where capacity permits.
Wolf Creek Public Schools currently offers limited in-town busing and will not be able to meet the increased in-town demand under this formula for the 2023/24 school year.
Because demand is expected to exceed capacity, the school division’s transportation department will use the following criteria to prioritize eligibility for busing in the 2023/24 school year:
- Any students who live 2.4 km or greater from their designated school will be given first priority.
- Students who are currently riding the bus and live within 2.4 km (currently user pay) will receive second priority.
- If seats remain available after meeting the above criteria, priority will then be given to families who have children in grades K-6 and who have the greatest distance from home to school. Applications will also be considered in the order they are received.
- The above criteria will be followed until our capacity is reached.
Wolf Creek Public Schools will consider adding additional in-town routes for the 2023/2024 school year depending on demand, available bus drivers, and available school buses.
Please register before June 15, 2023 to be considered for busing within 2.4 km.
If you have any questions, please contact transportation at: 403-785-0726 or by email at: transportation@wolfcreek.ab.ca