Alix-MAC Career Fair: Inaugural career fair gives Alix and Clive students a host of opportunities

Junior and senior high school students from Clive and Alix got a glimpse of the opportunities that may await following graduation.
Alix-MAC School’s inaugural Career Fair, Feb. 3, allowed students from both Alix-MAC School and Clive School the opportunity to learn about different career paths and meet professionals from various industries. The event brought together students, educators, and industry professionals from the local community.
"I think it is awesome to have local people come and present to our kids and see that they came from Alix and see what they are doing," said Adrian Paolinelli, Alix-MAC School principal. “There is sometimes a stigma in a small school that you can't go anywhere. But, when you see local people and the successes they have had, it's such an opportunity for kids to grow and keep spreading their wings."
Presentations from RCMP and local law enforcement, trades such as chemical engineering, mechanics and manufacturing, public and environmental services, agriculture, the medical industry, and aesthetics were given throughout the day. The presentations allowed students to ask questions, get a better understanding of the different careers, and see the possibilities available to them in the future.
“It is really important. When you are able to get that close, you are able to ask questions and get answers you won't get online,” said Sophia Sinclair, Grade 11 Alix student.
Trevor Nichols, with the Junior Forest Rangers, was among the career presenters. He said it’s valuable for industry representatives to come out and meet students, especially in rural schools.
“We understand that we all have unique opportunities to provide for these students. It is nice to showcase in areas like this, where maybe they don't get a lot of people coming out here,” said Nichols. “It is really nice to showcase to these students what options are out there for them to go and travel around and see and experience for themselves."
The event was held in Alix, but was important for neighbouring Clive students to attend as well.
“You are able to get a better sense of how it works,” said Nick Morrison, Clive School teacher. "Giving them the chance to experience new ideas, and new opportunities allows them to prepare themselves for the next transition in their lives."
The presentations at the career fair varied in format, giving students a well-rounded experience. From video presentations to in-person conversations to group presentations, students had the opportunity to learn about different careers in a variety of ways.