Wolf Creek Public Schools' Board of Trustees Congratulate Lorrie Jess on her Election as President of the Alberta School Boards Association

Wolf Creek Public Schools' Board of Trustees congratulates Lorrie Jess on her election as the President of the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA), which is the provincial association that represents Alberta’s 61 locally elected school boards. Lorrie was elected at the ASBA Spring General Meeting 2018. Lorrie has demonstrated an outstanding level of service and commitment over fourteen years serving as a Trustee in Wolf Creek Public Schools including the role of Board Chair for the past two years.
Lorrie will continue to serve as a Trustee with Wolf Creek Public Schools at the same time as working at her new position. Lorrie states, “I am honoured to have this opportunity to serve our dedicated membership with a continued focus on helping all students be successful. Demonstrating a leadership style that values kindness, caring, a focus on relationship building will be the cornerstone of my role as President”. Lorrie will be an excellent advocate to improve education and advocate for students.