Every Voice Counts: Participate in Alberta Education and Wolf Creek Surveys

As a school community, your voice matters greatly in shaping the quality of education and environment we provide to our students. Annual surveys from both Alberta Education and Wolf Creek Public Schools are essential tools that give us valuable insights into our successes and areas for growth.
The Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) survey is open now through March 21, 2025. It seeks feedback from parents or guardians of students in Grades 4, 7, and 10, as well as teachers and students themselves. This survey measures various aspects such as Student Growth and Achievement, Teaching and Leading, Learning Supports, and Governance. The responses help our School Board and senior administration pinpoint areas we are excelling in and identify those needing attention.
It’s important for you to complete these surveys, for Wolf Creek Public Schools, but for any school division you are a part of. Additionally, it is crucial to be mindful when completing these surveys. For instance, questions on parental involvement can sometimes be misunderstood. For example, selecting "I Don't Know" registers as a negative response in the survey. Now there may be instances where you may not know the answer to a question, but we are always available to add context and give you more information if you are unsure.
Take parental involvement as one question on the survey. Involvement includes everything from simple things like reading school emails and newsletters, attending parent-teacher interviews to participating in school councils or fundraising groups, to volunteering in classrooms, on field trips, or with sports teams. Your engagement, no matter how seemingly small, is valuable and contributes positively to our school community.
We understand that some survey questions might contain nuances or terms unfamiliar to you. If you’re uncertain about how to answer, we encourage you to reach out directly to your school for clarification. Our principals and school teams are ready and willing to help you better understand these questions, ensuring your feedback accurately reflects your experiences and opinions. Again the provincial survey’s deadline is March 21, 2025. So if you haven’t done it yet, reach out to your school and they can provide you with the link.
Additionally, in April, our division-specific Wolf Creek Public Schools surveys will be sent out. These include targeted questions designed to capture localized feedback, helping shape individual school growth and education plans. These questions cover areas like learning satisfaction, respect, conduct, and expectations, providing even more tailored insights into each school’s unique needs and achievements.
We find that the more information we can gather the better for planning purposes to continue to make Wolf Creek a great place to learn and grow. The division survey helps fill those gaps in the provincial one and shores up feedback in a local context.
For those who have done so already, thank you for taking the time to share your perspectives. Your participation is crucial to our collective efforts to maintain high standards and continuously improve the education and support provided to our students.
Luci Henry, is the Board Chair for Wolf Creek Public Schools. Wolf Creek Public Schools Board is served by Trustees representing the communities and rural areas of Alix, Bentley, Blackfalds, Bluffton, Clive, Eckville, Lacombe, Ponoka, and Rimbey. Serving approximately 7,450 students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, WCPS employs approximately 415 teachers and 385 support staff in 30 schools, including five colony schools and Wolf Creek Education Centre.