Lacombe students learn about safety through mock incident at École Lacombe Upper Elementary School

A simulated emergency response created a powerful lesson for Grade 5 Lacombe students from École Lacombe Upper Elementary School (ÉLUES) and Father Lacombe Catholic School.
The mock response, May 2 at École Lacombe Upper Elementary School, simulated what would follow if a car were to strike a student on his scooter, while he was distracted, listening to music. It was part of Safety and Health Week and aimed to educate students about road safety and how emergency services respond to incidents.
Over 200 students observed local professionals, including Lacombe Police and Emergency Medical Responders from Medcor Canada, respond to the mock emergency, which included EMS and fire crews simulating an assessment for injuries on the student and loading him onto a spine board before transporting him by ambulance. Police spoke with and helped navigate what would be a traumatic experience for the driver, as part of the demonstration.
"We believe that educating students on road safety is an essential part of our responsibility as educators. The mock incident provided a powerful learning experience that will help our students understand the importance of being aware of their surroundings at all times," said Craig Fullarton, ÉLUES principal, who played the role of the driver, while assistant principal Vanessa Ouellette was his passenger. As part of the scenario Ouellette also showed how someone with first aid can immediately respond to an injury and can contact emergency crews by calling 911.
The collaborative sponsored event involved the Alberta Construction Safety Association’s (ACSA) Parkland Regional Safety Committee, Lacombe Police Service, Lacombe Fire Department, Medcor Canada, Jo(e) Social Media Inc., Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, Manufactures Health and Safety Association, and Pro Paint Canada. It serves as an opportunity to raise public awareness on the importance of health and safety in communities.
"The mock incident was an excellent opportunity for students to witness the vital work of first responders and to learn about road safety. The collaboration between different organizations and community professionals is crucial to promote safety and educate students about the importance of being aware of their surroundings. We are grateful to all our partners for their commitment to creating a safer community," said Ian Wilson, Coordinator of Safety and Wellness for Wolf Creek Public Schools.
The event also included presentations from Lacombe Police Service on road safety tips and community safety professionals who conducted a personal protective equipment (PPE) fashion show with students to educate students on the purpose and benefits of PPE.
Mock Incident ÉLUES