Wolf Creek Public Schools is looking to hire casual Educational Assistants within the division. Casual Educational Assistants are employed from day to day and may work anywhere within the school division when called upon. Wolf Creek Public School has 29 amazing schools to work at, but as a casual Educational Assistant, you can choose which schools you feel work best for you. Schools that are currently short on casual support are those in the Rimbey area, but everyday schools across the division need casual Educational Assistants.
Casual Educational Assistants can apply directly at any of our schools. Please phone the school you are interested in working at before attending in person.
Applications will need to include:
- Resume
- Void cheque/direct deposit form
- 2022 tax forms (TD1 & TD1AB)
- Child Intervention Record Check
Please compile all applicable documentation before contacting the schools. We look forward to having you join the Wolf Creek Team!