Looking back on 2021

The year is coming to an end, as we usher out 2021, we get ready to welcome in 2022 and the second half of the school year. We’ve all felt the effects of COVID-19, not only this past spring, but into the start of this school year. But, when we as a Board of Trustees in Wolf Creek Public Schools reflect on the past 12 months and when we think of our students and staff, we think of more than just these challenges.
We are reminded of the hard work of students and staff at Rimbey Jr/Sr High, that saw an incredible restoration of a truck result in a well deserved grant for the school’s metal shop. We are proud also of the Lacombe Composite High School Rams’ football team, and their amazing efforts on the gridiron, that landed the school its first football championship in 30 years. We reflect on the decade of dedication to honouring local war heroes at Ponoka Secondary Campus. We are excited about ongoing planning to add a new high school to Blackfalds.
We think of the day in and day out inspiration we see from all students, and from teachers and staff who are directly connecting with young minds. They continue to help students fulfill their potential and aim for their future. We see these results, not just anecdotally, but in tangible measures, such as high ratings in education quality and high school completion. We see it in high rankings in student citizenship, and in our schools and the division providing a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment.
There are many challenges that we will continue to face in our schools and in our school system; facing COVID-19 and ensuring the safety of students and staff is only one of them. In the New Year we will be looking to our school communities for input on where we are on the right track and how we can make things even better. Please watch for more on that as announcements are made in 2022.
Even as we plan forward, we must take a moment and recognize all the accomplishments and wonderful work that goes on in schools, and that doesn’t always make headlines or flash across our social media feeds. We are truly blessed to have great, quality public education to serve our communities and at Wolf Creek Public Schools, we are proud of the work being done.
This holiday season, we know that we are truly gifted with amazing talent and dedication in our schools, along with strong support from families and school communities. We thank you for all you do to make Wolf Creek a school division that brings success for all learners.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees for Wolf Creek Public Schools, we wish you a safe and healthy holiday season, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Luci Henry, is the Board Chair for Wolf Creek Public Schools. Wolf Creek Public Schools Board is served by Trustees representing the communities and rural areas of Alix, Bentley, Blackfalds, Bluffton, Clive, Eckville, Lacombe, Ponoka, and Rimbey. Serving approximately 7,300 students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, WCPS employs approximately 412 teachers and 350 support staff in 30 schools, including five colony schools, throughout the Division.