AHS Updated Quarantine Requirements and Vaccination Information

Dear WCPS parents/guardians,
On Thursday, May 20, the Government of Alberta announced changes to the quarantine requirements for two groups:
- close contacts who are partially immunized with one dose of COVID-19 vaccine
- close contacts who are fully immunized with two doses of COVID-19 vaccine
- Please be advised that these changes only apply to students aged 12 and up. All other students will still follow previous quarantine and isolation requirements in the event of a COVID-19 case.
The details of these changes are outlined at ahs.ca/quarantineaftervaccine and alberta.ca/isolation. These new requirements apply to all immunized Albertans, including students and school staff, except for international travelers who must continue to quarantine the full 14 days.
Based on this announcement, we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the following from AHS:
- Case investigators will continue to work with schools to identify and collect all close contacts of a person who tests positive for COVID-19. It is not part of the school case investigation process to determine who has received a COVID-19 immunization. Schools will continue to include all close contacts on lists to provide to AHS.
- Letters sent by AHS to close contacts provide the 14-day quarantine requirement and direct individuals who are immunized to visit ahs.ca/quarantineaftervaccine and adjust their own quarantine accordingly.
- Schools will not be verifying the immunization status of students, staff members or visitors.
- Schools can continue to have entire classes or cohorts of students move to online learning, if they choose. Schools determine how long the online learning period will be for the class or cohort.
- Staff, students and parents/guardians who have questions about quarantine requirements based on their own health history (such as receiving a COVID-19 vaccine) can call Health Link at 811. A Registered Nurse will provide specific advice based on the person’s circumstances.
Based on this information provided, please be advised that any positive case of COVID-19 identified in any Wolf Creek school will include the following:
- Any COVID-19 exposure in a classroom where close contact has been confirmed will result in all students and staff from that classroom shifting to online learning for 14 days from the last date of exposure. This class WILL NOT resume in-person learning until the 14 period is finished.
- If a student has been partially (one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine) or fully immunized (two doses of any COVID-19 vaccine), they may return to school to attend their other classes, other than the class that was identified with the positive case earlier than the full 14 day quarantine period.
Please see these additional AHS requirements below:
Quarantine for Close Contacts Who Are Partially Immunized & Asymptomatic (received one dose)
If a student is partially immunized at the time they are exposed to someone at school with COVID-19:
- They must quarantine for 10 days from the date of last exposure.
- Get tested for COVID-19 on day 7 or later (this is 7 days after the last exposure to the person with COVID-19). If the test is negative and the student still has no symptoms the quarantine is over.
- If the test is negative and the student still has no symptoms the quarantine is over.
- If the test is positive, the student MUST isolate for 10 days from the date of the test.
- If a student develops symptoms , get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. They must isolate for at least 10 days after symptoms start, if they are not tested.
Please Note: A person is considered partially immunized after 14 days have passed since they’ve received the first of two doses in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series.
When the shortened quarantine ends, the student may return to school.
Example: Billy is a Grade 10 student who has received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and has two classes this semester (Science 10 and Phys. Ed 10). Billy’s Science 10 class has a positive case so all students will be taught online for 14 days for that class. Since Billy has received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and has received a negative test result for COVID-19 after 7 days quarantine, as per AHS requirements, Billy can return to school and attend his Phys. Ed 10 class. Billy will continue with online learning for Science 10 for the remainder of the quarantine period (another 7 days). After 14 days, Billy will resume both classes as in-school learning.
Quarantine for Close Contacts Who Are Fully Immunized & Asymptomatic (two doses)
Students are considered fully immunized 14 days after they have received the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine in a two-dose vaccine series.
If a student is fully immunized at the time they are exposed to someone at school with COVID-19:
- They do not have to quarantine as long as they do not have symptoms.
- If they develop symptoms get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible:
- Must isolate until they receive a negative test result.
- If they test negative for COVID-19, they are advised to stay home until they feel better.
- If they are not tested, they must isolate for at least 10 days after symptoms started.
- If they test positive for COVID-19, they MUST isolate for at least 10 days after symptoms started.
Please Note: A person is considered fully immunized after 14 days have passed since they received the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series.
During the 14 days after exposure to a person with COVID-19, students may return to work, school, childcare, and other activities.
Example: Billy is a Grade 10 student who has received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine and has two classes this semester (Science 10 and Phys. Ed 10). Billy’s Science 10 class has a positive case so all students in that class will be taught online for 14 days. Since Billy has received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and has no symptoms of COVID-19, Billy can continue to attend his Phys. Ed 10 class in-school. Billy will continue with online learning for Science 10 for the full 14 day quarantine period.
You can also refer to the attached PDF that outlines these scenarios for further reference.
We trust this clarifies how all Wolf Creek schools will continue to maintain safety while adhering to AHS requirements. Once again, thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work together to successfully wrap-up this school year.
Jayson Lovell