Temporary Shift to At-Home Learning: ALL STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS

Dear WCPS Parents and Guardians,
You are most likely aware by now that in response to the spike in COVID-19 cases across the province, the Government of Alberta announced on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 a series of increased health measures and restrictions. Many of these restrictions will impact schools and students, including in Wolf Creek Public Schools. I am emailing to share with you details regarding these changes and what you can expect moving forward.
Effective Friday May 7, 2021 ALL KINDERGARTEN to GRADE 12 SCHOOLS will transition to online learning. This is a temporary change and students will return to in-school learning on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 (following the Victoria Day Long Weekend).
We know even a temporary change such as this will bring with it many questions. To that end, I can share the following additional details.
- K-6 learning will focus on literacy and numeracy during online learning.
- 7-12 learning outcomes will remain the same during at-home learning understanding in some programs (ie. CTS, fine arts), modifications will be required.
- Pre-K (Bright Futures Play Academy included) programming will continue with regular classes in school following their current schedule.
- The government-defined exemptions to at-home learning include:
- Pre-Kindergarten Programs
- Students with disabilities requiring specialized support
- Colony schools, unless there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 then the school must shift to at-home learning
- All students currently enrolled in the Wolf Creek Virtual Learning Program will remain enrolled in the WCVLP program.
- Work Experience/Off-Campus can continue if the employer is able to maintain and support the outcomes and safety requirements for the student.
Friday, May 7 will be a transition day for teachers and school staff. Teachers will be reaching out to students and families to provide further details on how at-home learning will proceed for your child’s individual classes. Your schools will also be in contact and available to provide school and class specific details on class instruction, student expectations and assessment, mental health supports, technology support, and transportation needs for exempt students who can still attend in-person instruction.
Please be advised if any parents or any non-exempt students are required to attend the school during this two-week period, please contact your school ahead of time and attend by appointment only.
We commend all of our staff for the hard work they have done since school began in September, and our students and families for their patience and adaptability. This temporary shift in learning announced by the Government of Alberta is being made to help address the operational pressures on schools that have resulted from an increase in COVID-19 cases across the province.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your school administration and your student’s teacher. Please remain safe and healthy, and we look forward to a return to in-school learning for students and staff following the May Long Weekend.
Jayson Lovell
Wolf Creek Public Schools