Lacombe student to represent Canada at virtual climate conference

An École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School (ÉSLCHS) student will represent Canada in a global online conference dedicated to the environment and climate conversations.
Sneha Rose Jigo, 17, will join global youth leaders representing six continents and present the voices of thousands of their peers to a panel of distinguished climate leaders ahead of November’s UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. These youths, ages 13 to18, will push for both urgent climate change and meaningful youth engagement during the #Decarbonize #Decolonize Global Youth Report, March 24.
“I strongly believe that youth need to be involved in the climate change discussion. We will likely be the people most affected by the climate crisis, making us key stakeholders in the process to mitigate its influence,” said Sneha. “Being involved in this program allows my voice and others to be heard in the global conversation about creating and implementing climate solutions.”
Sneha Rose Jigo has been involved with ÉSLCHS’ EcoVision since September of 2019.
“She loves being involved in environmental projects, because she believes we can make a larger impact on our environment when we work together,” said Steven Schultz, ÉSLCHS teacher. “Through EcoVision, she has been able to advance her education by participating in projects like the Roofs 4 Kids - a goat barn with a living roof, the BeeWise MicroBusiness and the Educational Pollinator Indigenous Carbon Capture or EPICC Garden, EcoVision is currently building.”
Sneha is involved in youth networks, such as Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) and the Centre for Global Education Decarbonize groups, which provide youth with a voice and opportunities to create environmental change.
“The Global Youth Report being presented is one example of an opportunity that was provided to youth like Sneha to have their voices heard,” said Schultz.
#Decarbonize: #Decolonize is a school-based project, led by the Centre for Global Education, a charitable NGO based in Canada, and under the patronage of UNESCO. The project is committed to promoting education, facilitating dialogue, and equipping young people to raise youth voices and increase youth action on climate change. In 2020, #Decarbonize brought together thousands of students and educators from 43 countries for eight months of ongoing activities and project-based environmental learning. Knowledge was shared through blog posts, discussion boards, art contests, podcasts, and live, interactive video conferences and culminated in a youth-authored “ #Decarbonize Global Youth Report” that amalgamated the thoughts, opinions, and actions of the youth participants.