Ponoka Secondary Campus - Full school shift to online learning until April 6, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to navigate the challenges of COVID-19 and what is best for our students. Ponoka Secondary Campus currently has nine active cases of COVID-19. The cases this past weekend and today have continued to have a significant impact on the entire school.
In consultation with Alberta Education, a decision has been made to shift temporarily to online learning for ALL PSC STUDENTS and STAFF beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16, 2021 until April 5 inclusive (the March Break for students starts March 26, 2021 so the additional week is a result of the timing of the previously scheduled Break).
The reason for this shift is due to the number of students and staff currently unable to attend the school due to self-isolation requirements. There is a significant concern for the school to operationally maintain instruction and support students while also, ensuring the school is a safe environment for all students and staff. Based on a comprehensive review of the situation with the PSC administration and Alberta Education officials, we believe this decision is in the best interests of students and staff for continued optimal learning including limiting possible additional exposure. Alberta Education had previously communicated to all school authorities that a shift from in-school to at-home learning would be permitted in the event certain circumstances emerged due to the number of students and staff impacted by COVID-19 cases within a school.
Please note, in-person learning will resume on April 6, 2021. In collaboration with Alberta Health Services we will reassess in-person or at-home learning the weekend prior to April 6, 2021 to verify this return date.
Similar to the delivery method before the Christmas break, all classes will be offered online, following a weekly class schedule so that students can work directly with their teachers throughout the day. The specific details will be communicated to your child in a live Google meet on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 with their block 1 teacher. This will ensure that we will be able to keep moving forward with curriculum and to continue the strong learning that is happening within classes. Your child’s teacher will contact families via email this evening with further details.
Please know that this decision was not made lightly and as we continue to realize the strains that COVID-19 places on us we need to be flexible with our decision making and put our students and their learning at the center of all conversations.
As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, school social worker, and school administrators for additional support or clarification. While this is a challenging time, we continue to trust in our ability to support students and provide a successful learning experience.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Jayson Lovell,
Superintendent of Schools
Wolf Creek Public Schools