Superintendent Jayson Lovell announces final year with WCPS

Ponoka — Wolf Creek Public Schools’ (WCPS) Superintendent Jayson Lovell announced to staff Sept. 14 that the 2020-21 school year will be his last as Superintendent of the school division. Lovell approached the Board of Trustees over the summer to discuss his intentions to step away from the position, and to begin creating a sound transition plan that provides ample time for the Board to recruit a successor and support the transition at the end of the school year.
“This was not an easy or quick decision, but I have felt over the past number of months a desire on my part to refocus and rebalance my time, energy and commitment to my family,” said Jayson Lovell, Superintendent. “I have always looked at my career moves in five year increments, and this year will be my fifth as Wolf Creek superintendent. While I have been incredibly blessed to work with so many talented and amazing people, I felt it was the appropriate time for that refocus and to begin to explore other opportunities.”
Lovell will serve out the school year, with his last day as Aug. 31, 2021.
“Jayson is a tremendous leader of our school division, who keeps students, staff and families at the very forefront of all decisions. His calm, thoughtful and steady leadership will be very much missed,” said Pam Hansen, Board Chair. “As a Board, we understand his decision to focus on family and explore new possibilities. We wish him all the best for his final year with Wolf Creek and for his future beyond the division.”
Lovell has been spent his entire 27 year career with Wolf Creek Public Schools, first as a teacher at École Lacombe Upper Elementary School, then as principal at Alix-MAC School and École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School, before moving to the Division office as district coordinator, assistant superintendent, and ultimately superintendent.