WCPS School Re-Entry Update #7

August 31, 2020
Dear Wolf Creek Public Schools’ families,
Students begin returning to classes tomorrow around Wolf Creek Public Schools!
We are excited to have students back, and before classes commence we wanted to connect one more time to update and remind you of some of the changes you will see as we work together to minimize the risk of COVID-19 in our schools and communities.
On Saturday, August 29, 2020, the Government of Alberta and Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health issued Public Health Order 33-2020 regarding mask use in schools, to further support its previous announcement mandating face masks in schools. The Order, effective Monday, August 31, 2020, states that when distancing cannot be ensured, the operator of a school must ensure that students in grades 4-12, staff members, and visitors wear a non-medical face mask that covers their mouth and nose while attending a school in indoor locations and while being transported on a school bus. There are exceptions to this Health Order and we have prepared a quick Information Sheet to help guide you through those exceptions that can be viewed at: Facemasks In Schools - Info Sheet for Parents/Guardians.
Your school re-entry plans that have been sent to you will outline school specifics regarding pick up and drop off locations, staggered arrival and dismissal protocols and unique guidelines around locker use, sports, etc. Please read your school plan and if you have any questions, contact your school directly.
Also as a reminder, Alberta Education requires an annual Student Registration or Demographic Update Form, for every student, signed by the Parent or Legal Guardian to verify that the student qualifies for Provincial or National Education funding. The Demographic Update form serves as an annual registration form for all returning WCPS K-12 students. If you have not completed this form, please do so at your earliest convenience. The form can be found in your Parent Portal on Powerschool. If you are having issues submitting the form, accessing your Parent Portal account or require access to a device to complete this form, please contact your child’s school office. Online Student Demographic Update forms are due Sept. 15, 2020.
This is going to be a school year different from any other. As we begin, I want to again thank all the parents who have shared their questions and concerns with us over these past several months. Your input and feedback has helped shape our communication with all parents, and that greatly helps our entire Wolf Creek community. Your openness, understanding and adaptability have helped bolster confidence in school re-entry and for that we are also truly grateful. I wish you and your family good health and wellness, and that you have an exciting and rewarding school year. Welcome back!
Jayson Lovell