WCPS Board addresses $2.7 million deficit in 2020/21 Budget

Ponoka — Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) Board of Trustees passed its 2020/21 Divisional budget, addressing a $2.7 million deficit.
In addressing the deficit, WCPS’ Board was committed to maintaining key frontline supports for students. To that end, there are no reductions in Educational Assistants, Instructional Leadership, School-Based Administrators, Inclusion Coaches or School Social Workers. There will be a minimal Classroom Teacher reduction of 2.43 Full Time Equivalent (FTE).
“This is a challenging budget, and there are reductions the Board has been forced to make throughout the Division. But the commitment to students remained at the forefront of the Board’s mind, throughout their deliberations,” said Jayson Lovell, superintendent, adding that the budget comes after months of analysis and consultation.
“This past November, the Board directed senior administration to undertake a complete analysis of operations in preparation for the budget. This analysis included staff surveys to gather feedback on programs, input from administrators on various budget scenarios, and consultation with district office leaders. The Board sincerely appreciates the thoughtful and thorough engagement shown through the budget process, which was invaluable in their decision making.”
To address the deficit, the budget includes the use of $1 million in reserves, a $766,454 reduction at central office, 10 per cent reduction in school operational budgets, and restructuring of Outreach School and Wolf Creek Academy programming.