Terrace Ridge School Grade 7 students given attendance choice to address enrollment pressures

Wolf Creek Public Schools' Board of Trustees has decided to give Terrace Ridge School parents the option as to whether their current Grade 6 student will attend École Lacombe Junior High School (ÉLJHS) or Terrace Ridge School for Grade 7 in the 2020/2021 school year. The decision was made at the Board’s March 19 regular meeting.
The Board and Division administration has been reviewing the grade configuration of Terrace Ridge School for the 2020/2021 school year. This review was necessary because the school’s current utilization rate is 108.29 per cent and is expected to increase.
Following recent consultations with staff, parents and students, additionally through a ThoughtExchange to stakeholders, the Board was presented with eight (8) options for grade configuration.
“This choice for families will be a way to balance the transition that is needed to address enrollment pressures at the school,” said Jayson Lovell, WCPS Superintendent. “Terrace Ridge School administration will be contacting current Grade 6 parents soon to determine their preference for next year.”
The choice for families is conditional on enrollment numbers at Terrace Ridge School to form a viable and complete Grade 7 class next year. This option would only be granted for the 2020/2021 school year. In the subsequent 2021/2022 school year and following school years, Terrace Ridge School will be reconfigured to a Pre-K to Grade 6 school.
The information on parental choice will be presented to the Board at its April meeting for the Board’s final decision on grade configuration.
“We want to sincerely thank you again for all those who provided feedback through our various engagements in this process. It has been crucial in the Board’s deliberations,” said Lovell.